Šumarski fakultet – QSI Internacionalna škola u Sarajevu


Students from QSI International School of Sarajevo had an opportunity to be instructed by Ph.D. Alma Hajrudinović-Bogunić from the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Forestry on various woody species that exist within parks in Sarajevo along with their science teacher Ms. Jisun Paschal. During this outdoor lesson, dr. sci. Alma Hajrudinović-Bogunić told students about the different classifications of woody species such as gymnosperms and angiosperms, how to identify woody species and their male and female reproductive organs, as well as how the genetics of trees can be studied in a lab setting. It was a wonderful opportunity for these students to see how the content taught in class is used by scientists.

Učenici QSI Internacionalne škole u Sarajevu imali su priliku da im predaje dr. sci. Alma Hajrudinović-Bogunić sa Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Šumarski fakultet o raznim drvenastim vrstama u sarajevskim parkovima, zajedno sa njihovom profesoricom nauke gđom Jisun Paschal. Tokom ovog časa na otvorenom, dr. sci. Alma Hajrudinović-Bogunić je studentima govorila o različitim klasifikacijama drvenastih vrsta poput golosjemenjača i skrivenosjemenjača, kako prepoznati drvenaste vrste i njihove muške i ženske reproduktivne organe, kao i kako se genetika drveća može proučavati u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Bila je to divna prilika za ove učenike da vide kako naučnici koriste sadržaje koji se predaju na času.

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