SILVA Network Conference – Postponement to 2021


Dear Colleagues and Friends of SILVA Network,

Hopefully you and your families are well in these difficult times, reminding more  of a long-lasting nightmare than reality.

As many other events planned for this summer, SILVA Network Conference 202 has to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemy. In accordance with our local organizers in Sarajevo, we decided that it would not be adequate to replace the personal exchange of experiences by a video conference. Instead, we plan to hold a „real“, vivid meeting next year from

July 7 to July 9, 2021 in Sarajevo.

The topic of the conference will be even more up to date in 2021, as most of us will gain extensive experience in digital ways of teaching and learning during forthcoming months. So please save the date!

Some of the colleagues had planned surveys that were orignally foreseen to be conducted during this year’s SILVA conference. We would like to distribute them via E-Mail instead, please stay curious during the next months.

Let us all hope that we can return to some kind of ‚normality‘ as soon as possible. In the meantime, take care and stay healthy!

Kind regards from the home office,

Norbert Weber

Prof. Dr. Norbert Weber

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