This year the internal structure of the International Mobility Office of UNITUS has been modified: the new mail account dedicated especially to KA107 projects was registered and new professional staff have joined us.
On behalf of Dr. Carlo Contardo, the Head of the Office, I am sending you in attach the information on the mobility flows for the new academic year. The remaining budget of the KA107 (the 2019 project) must be completed within 2021-2022 academic year and to succeed in its closure we are supposed to stimulate the students exchange process and to respect as much as possible the financial requirements for students and staff mobility. We really hope that the situation regarding the pandemic will see a positive improvement. However, we are prepared for all scenarios and may as well introduce blended mobility. This is something we may have to elaborate in more details with your selected students. Students may decide to come only in first or second semester. (October-February) and (March-June).
Please find attached, besides the mobility flow document, the program fliers for our three Master degree courses in English, UNITUS ICM handbook, and a presenting document in pdf for our university. In the following link, you can find our course catalogue. We would be happy to welcome students and staff who select courses in Italian language. The final deadline for receiving the nominations in time before the start of the winter and spring semesters.